About Us
Hello and Welcome to www.dhealthyfit.com, The place to acquire more knowledge about Health & Fitness.
The ultimate Goal of this website is to brief the basic sub-topics in Health and Fitness.
For the Visitors end, we are planning to lead this Website as a Mini Encyclopedia for the basics of Health & Fitness.
RAJASEKAR alias RAJA completed BE Electronics and Communication Engineering.
Due to the huge interest in Health & Fitness, started this Website in a blog form, to share and acquire more knowledge in Health & Fitness niche.
DHIVYA completed Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
She is a co-author and life partner of Raja. Simply all the back-end operations of this Website including research topics, designing, and latest trends in our niche are carried out by her.
Without having much technical background in Health and Fitness, we are planning to provide and discuss Valuable Content as a couple.
We strongly believe consistent interest and inspirations are more important than a technical background to succeed.
Thanks to all, keep supporting us, and let’s see you all in your interested topics.